Welcome! My name is Katherine and I have a weaving restoration business located in Southampton,
New York. I am open year round and hours of operation are Monday-Friday 9am-6pm. Saturdays are by appointment only and I am
closed Sundays. Of course I bend then rules as some folks are only out on weekends so I stay flexible as far as hours.
I am able to pick-up and deliver locally on the east end but prefer items to be dropped off unless it is a sizeable
item that needs a truck for pick up. I have a local mover who I work with, B & N Moving & Storage who can
pick up or ship items at the customers expense unless another carrier is prefered.
Work is done in a timely fashion
with pieces being worked on in the order they came in unless there is a dire situation.
My father Bruce H. Kreymborg
has been in the Restoration business for over 40years and has 2 other men who work with him. They restore everything
that you can think of and if you have an item that would need repair (stuctural, cosmetic, etc) they are located right next
to me to provide complete restoration needs. They have many notable clients who they have been providing services for years.
Please come back frequently as I will keep updating the photos of some of the work I have done, or visit my facebook
page at http://www.facebook.com/weavingrestoration No job is to big or to small and I can reproduce just about anything you bring to me. I pride myself on providing quality
work that will last for years to come.
If you have any questions or comments please feel free to call, email,
or stop by! All work is strictly COD
Katherine Kreymborg Wilson 1659 North
Sea Road Southampton, New York 11968
Phone - 631-259-3823 Cell
- 631-905-3288 Email - weaving@optonline.net

Services: Hand
Hole Cane Blind French Pegged Cane Machine Sheet Cane Natrual Hand-Twisted Rush Pre-Twisted Saltwater Rush French Cordon Rush Paper Fiber Rush Danish Cord (laced & unlaced) Seagrass Hong Kong Grass Leather Shaker Tape Ash Oak Hickory Splint Corn Husk Straw Specialty
& Porch Weave Patterns Lloyd's Loom Replacement & Repair Wicker, Willow & Rattan Restoration Pattern Matching Natural Fiber Rug Repair On Site or In Shop And Whatever Challenging
Mystery Material One May Have